Ares "Let us wage war together, then" bookmark. Black or red tassel included.
Astarion "Careful, I bite" bookmark. Red tassel included.
Captive Prince "A kingdom, or this" bookmark. Light blue or silver tassel included.
Loki "Kneel" bookmark. Black or pastel green tassel included.
Max "Sometimes to stay alive, you gotta kill your mind" bookmark. Black or red tassel included.
Thanatos x Ares Kinktober bookmark. Red tassel included.
Thanatos "What are you waiting for? I'm here" bookmark. Black tassel included.
Thanatos "No escaping Death" bookmark. Black or violet tassel included.
Zagreus "Welcome home" bookmark. Yellow tassel included.
Portrait of Andrew Minyard from book series All for the Game.
Artwork of Fury Megaera and Goddess Aphrodite from Hades Game. Aphrodite x Megaera pairing.
Artwork of God of War Ares from Hades Game.