Ares "Let us wage war together, then" bookmark. Black or red tassel included.
Thanatos x Ares Kinktober bookmark. Red tassel included.
Thanatos "What are you waiting for? I'm here" bookmark. Black tassel included.
Thanatos "No escaping Death" bookmark. Black or violet tassel included.
Zagreus "Welcome home" bookmark. Yellow tassel included.
Artwork of Fury Megaera and Goddess Aphrodite from Hades Game. Aphrodite x Megaera pairing.
Artwork of God of War Ares from Hades Game.
Portrait of God of Sleep Hypnos (with Nyx's hands) from Hades Game. This piece is a part of my Inktober 2022 series.
Artwork of Fury Megaera from Hades Game.
Portrait of Doom Incarnate Moros from Hades Game II.
Portrait of our beloved gay Patroclus from Hades Game.
Artwork of our beloved gays Achilles and Patroclus from Hades Game. Achilles x Patroclus pairing.